UNSC/IEC TAGs - Technical Advisor and Deputy Technical Advisor
2.1 Appointment of TAs, DTAs, and TAG cochairs
A TA shall be appointed for a four (4) year term of office by the TMC for each USNC TAG to an IEC TC and SC on which the USNC elects to be a participating (“P”) member. A TA shall be nominated by the TAG Secretary to the TMC for its approval, on recommendation from the responsible TAG. TAs shall be eligible for reappointment subject to approval by the TMC.
Each TAG will have two cochairs appointed by the TAG administrator and subject to confirmation by the TAG.
Upon recommendation of the USNC TAG, or TA, or TAG Secretary if so authorized by the USNC TAG, one or more Deputy Technical Advisors (DTAs) may be appointed by the TMC. The DTA shall work with the TA in accordance with any agreement reached between them. The DTA may attend meetings of the TMC and shall have the privilege of the floor. The term of office for the DTA will be concurrent with that of the TA and he/she may be reappointed. The General Secretary shall notify all members of the USNC of each appointment.
The TMC shall make all decisions concerning the appointment of TAs and DTAs, including their continuation, reappointment, and, if necessary, withdrawal for cause.
Candidates for TA and DTA, submitted to the USNC Office, shall include:
a) a nomination confirming the endorsement by the related USNC TAG,
b) complete contact information of the candidate(s) (i.e. affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax, and email information),
c) a brief biographical sketch, and
d) a statement of support from the candidate’s employer.
2.2 Qualifications of TAs and DTAs
The following are essential attributes that make somebody suitable for appointment to a TA or DTA position. An appointed TA or DTA no longer qualified as defined in this paragraph may no longer serve as a TA or DTA.
The following are essential attributes that make somebody suitable for appointment to a TA or DTA position. An appointed TA or DTA no longer qualified as defined in this paragraph may no longer serve as a TA or DTA.
a) technical expertise in the subject area
b) knowledge of and recognition by the concerned part(s) of the U.S. industry sector
c) negotiating skills
d) financial and administrative support for travel and activities
e) ability to conduct business electronically
f) understanding of the IEC standards development process
g) full membership in the USNC TAG
Candidates for a TA or DTA position that do not possess a particular attribute will need specific support from specified members of the USNC TAG or the USNC TAG Administrator/Secretary in those deficient areas.
2.3 Responsibilities of TAs
A TA will perform the following functions and fulfill the following responsibilities: (Note: A number of these responsibilities may be carried out by the TA, the DTA, the Head of Delegation to a TC/SC meeting, or the USNC TAG Secretary.)
a) Recommend an initial roster of a newly formed USNC TAG which shall be subject to approval by the USNC Office.
b) Guide the USNC TAG in selecting qualified delegates to IEC TC/SC meetings
c) Arrange for the distribution of IEC documents to USNC TAG members and identified national interested parties, collection and correlation of comments, and preparation of suitable U.S. documents for transmission, through the USNC Office, to the IEC Central Office when such documents are necessary or desirable. When requested by a WG expert, arrange for distribution of appropriate WG documents to the USNC TAG for collection and preparation of suitable documents for transmission through the WG expert.
d) In collaboration with the USNC TAG Secretary:
• Prepare or cause the preparation of a draft U.S. position (comments or votes) on issues being considered in IEC for deliberation within the USNC TAG
• Encourage such deliberations so as to come to a USNC TAG consensus position on each issue
e) Make certain that the USNC TAG consensus position is forwarded to the USNC Office for transmission to IEC in a timely manner (i.e. typically one week in advance of the IEC deadlines so as to allow for the USNC Office processing, IEC Central Office processing, and to provide some safety margin to accommodate unforeseen events such as miscommunications).
f) Initiate action by the USNC TAG to identify U.S. Experts who can participate on desired Working Groups (WG), Maintenance Teams (MT), and Project Teams (PT).
g) Arrange for existing U.S. national standards to be used as initial discussion drafts in related IEC TCs/SCs, wherever appropriate and with the authorization of the standards developing organization.
h) Promote harmonization between U.S. and IEC standards and, where appropriate, advocate for the adoption or adaptation of IEC standards by U.S. standards developing organizations.
i) Maintain liaison with other TAs where required for consistency in U.S. positions for agreement on basic policies, or where they have mutual interests.
j) Anticipate future programs of TC/SC to permit the maximum possible time for establishing a U.S. consensus.
k) Consider IEC organizational changes and take the necessary steps to acquire additional Secretariats and other leadership roles (Chairs, Vice Chairs, Conveners, etc.) for the U.S.
l) Keep all U.S. participants acquainted with the work and the disposition of their recommendations, nominations, determinations, proposals, and positions.
m) After USNC TAG approval and USNC TAG arrangement for finances, recommend to the USNC that an international meeting of a particular TC or SC be hosted by the USNC TAG. This includes guaranteeing that financing and administrative support is assured in writing. Arrange, with the USNC Office, for the official invitation to be extended.
n) Provide for the continuity of U.S. participation.
o) Assure that a U.S. position is presented for each agenda item at a given meeting of a TC or SC.
p) Assure that the consensus of the USNC TAG is represented in U.S. positions and in oral opinions expressed by the USNC delegations to TC/SC meetings
q) Keep TMC informed about significant issues related to the TC/SC’s work at the IEC level or within the USNC TAG. It is especially important that the TA consult with the TMC on:
• Matters involving the proper organization and operation of the USNC TAG
• Difficulties in finding delegates to international meetings or in obtaining financial support for such delegates
• The U.S. response to “Questions of Principle” shown on reports of the TC/SC.
• Proposals for: − Committee Secretariat and possible USNC acceptance
− Committee Chairs
− Hosting of Committee meetings in the U.S.
r) Ensure compliance with the USNC TAG’s procedures and the USNC’s Statutes and Rules of Procedure, in concert with the USNC TAG Secretary.
s) Report to the TAG on the status, progress and outcome of TAG submissions to IEC.
t) Agree to advance TAG positions in IEC.
3. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
For each IEC TC and SC on which the USNC is a participating (“P”) member, there shall be a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Exceptions to this policy require the specific approval of the USNC TMC.