UNSC/IEC TAGs - TAG Administrator/TAG Secretary
6.1 TAG Administrator
Each TAG shall be administered by a TAG Administrator appointed by the USNC/TMC.
Note: When a new IEC Technical Committee or Subcommittee is established on which the USNC is registered as a Participating Member or when a currently assigned TAG Administrator is relinquishing that responsibility, the USNC Office will invite, via ANSI’s Standards Action publication, expressions of interest in this assignment from qualified entities.
6.2 TAG Secretary
The TAG Administrator shall appoint a TAG Secretary, an individual who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the TAG.
Neither the TAG Administrator nor the TAG Secretary has veto power over the decisions of the TAG. Among the responsibilities of the TAG Secretary are the following:
a) Support the TA in organizing and maintaining the TAG and applying to USNC TMC for designation.
b) Provide for administrative services, including arrangements for TAG meetings, timely preparation and distribution of documents related to the work of the USNC TAG, and maintenance of appropriate records, including TAG rosters, minutes of meetings and voting results.5 Requires full electronic document handling and communication capability to meet USNC and IEC requirements.
c) In accordance with IEC, USNC, and these procedures, arrange for the distribution of IEC documents to TAG members, all interested parties, collection and correlation of comments, and preparation of suitable U.S. documents for transmission, through the USNC General Secretary, to the Central Office when such documents are necessary or desirable. Arrange for distribution of appropriate WG documents to the TAG for collection and preparation of suitable documents for transmission, through the WG Expert.
d) Transmittal of U.S. positions on relevant IEC TC/SC issues and votes to the USNC General Secretary.
e) Work to maintain the viability of the TAG as part of the USNC TAG Participation Fee Program.
f) Ensure compliance with the TAG’s Procedures and the USNC’s Statutes and Rules of Procedures, in concert with the TA.
5As of the date of approval of these Procedures, the ANSI recommended records retention guideline is as follows: “Records shall be prepared and maintained to provide evidence of compliance with these procedures. Records concerning new, revised, or reaffirmed IEC Standards shall be retained for one complete standards cycle, or until the standard is revised. Records concerning withdrawn standards shall be retained for at least five years from the date of withdrawal.”
Continue to Part 7 - Officers