Dr. Michael Scholla Aseptic Training Scholarship


DuPont Tyvek® Healthcare Packaging and Beacon Converters are extending this scholarship opportunity in honor of Dr. Michael Scholla. Mike was a valued DuPont colleague and long-time leader within the AAMI and the medical device community as well as dear friend to many. Mike was truly an industry giant who did an incredible amount of profound work during his distinguished career. This scholarship is presented to recognize Mike’s dedication to bringing awareness to the importance of sterility assurance and microbiological quality in the care of patients everywhere.


The funds graciously donated by DuPont Tyvek® Healthcare Packaging and Beacon Converters in the name of Dr. Michael Scholla will allow 40 individuals who complete the form below to participate in a drawing that will refund the full cost of the course. Proof of participation or purchase of training materials associated with aseptic learning are required to be considered for a $200 scholarship. Training course or materials must be purchased March 20, 2024 – July 20, 2024.


Please Fill out the Form Below



AAMI Training eLearning Understanding Aseptic: The Science of Packaging

The areas covered by this course include package design and labeling, sterile processing, product sterilization insights related to packaging, safe handling, storage, and transport of sterile devices, and aseptic handling.



Thank you to our Sponsors