
Membership shall be open to all U.S. national interested parties who indicate that they are directly and materially affected by the activity of the U.S. TAG, after being informed concerning U.S. TAG working procedures and scope of activities. There shall be no undue financial barriers to participation. Administrative fees may be charged by the TAG Administrator, but in all cases procedures for requesting a waiver of the fees must be available. Participation shall not be conditional upon membership in any organization, or unreasonably restricted on the basis of technical qualifications or other such requirements.

5.1 Application

A request for membership shall be addressed to the U.S. TAG Administrator, shall indicate the applicant's direct and material interest in the U.S. TAG's work and willingness to participate actively (see 5.8) and in accordance with the AAMI Code of Conduct, the applicant’s interest category, and, if the applicant is a representative of an organization, company, or government agency, shall identify an alternate, if desired.

5.2 Recommendation

In recommending appropriate action on applications for membership, the administrator shall consider:

  1. The appropriateness of the involvement of each interest in the work of the U.S. TAG
  2. The potential for dominance by a single interest
  3. The extent of interest expressed by the applicant, and the applicant's willingness to participate actively

The U.S. TAG Administrator may consider reasonable limits on U.S. TAG size.

5.3 Diverse Interests

If representatives from distinct divisions of an organization can demonstrate independent interests and authority to make independent decisions in the area of the activity of the U.S. TAG, each may apply for membership.

5.4 Combined Interests

When appropriate, the U.S. TAG Administrator may recommend that the applicant seek representation through an organization that is already represented by a member who represents the same or similar interests.

5.5 Observers

Individuals and representatives of organizations having an interest in the U.S. TAG's work may request listing as observers. Observers shall be advised of the U.S. TAG activities, may attend meetings, and may submit comments for consideration, but shall not vote.

5.6 Representation of Materially Affected Interests

All directly and materially affected U.S. national interested parties shall have the opportunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by any single interest.

Dominance means a position or exercise of dominant authority, leadership, or influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation. The requirement implicit in the phrase "without dominance by any single interest" normally will be satisfied if a reasonable balance among interests can be achieved. Unless it is claimed by a directly and materially affected person that a single interest dominated the standards activity, to the exclusion of fair and equitable consideration of other viewpoints, no test for dominance is required.

5.7 Membership Roster

The administrator shall maintain the list of U.S. TAG members and the organizations they represent.

The roster shall include the following:

  1. Title and designation of the U.S. TAG
  2. Scope of the U.S. TAG
  3. U.S. TAG Administrator (name of organization, name of secretary, address(es), telephone number)
  4. U.S. TAG officers (chairman and other officers)
  5. Members:
    • a.Names of the individuals and alternates (as applicable) and their addresses and business affiliations including the name of the organization they are representing on the U.S. TAG.
    • b.The interest category of each individual and alternate (as applicable).
    • c.In addition, the member’s name (or if membership is by organization, the name of the organization with a point of contact), affiliation and interest category of each member of the TAG shall be made available to interested parties upon request.

5.8 Membership Obligations

Members are expected to participate actively by fulfilling attendance, voting, correspondence, and other obligations. Members are expected to participate in good faith and in accordance with professional standards, respectful of the rules of the TAG and the authority given to the Officers of the TAG and TAG Administrator.

5.9 Review of Membership

The U.S. TAG Administrator shall review the membership list annually with respect to the criteria of clause 5 of these procedures. Members are expected to participate actively by fulfilling attendance, voting, correspondence, and other obligations. Where a member is found in default of these obligations, the U.S. TAG Administrator shall take appropriate action, which may include termination of membership. Members are expected to participate in good faith and in accordance with professional standards and all rules applicable to members of AAMI standards committees, respectful of the rules of the TAG and the authority given to the Officers of the TAG and TAG Administrator. As appropriate, the TAG and TAG Administrator may refer to Robert’s Rules of Order, Disciplinary Procedures, for guidance.