Functions and Responsibilities


The functions and responsibilities of the U.S. TAG, subject to ISO rules and limitations, are:

  1. Recommend registration of ANSI as a P- or O-member (participant or observer) on an ISO committee, recommend a change in ANSI membership status on an ISO committee or recommend termination of membership as a P- or O-member on an ISO committee.
  2. Initiate and approve U.S. proposals for new work items for submission by ANSI for consideration by an ISO committee.
  3. Initiate and approve U.S. working drafts for submission by ANSI to ISO committees (and, where appropriate, Working Groups) for consideration as committee drafts.
  4. Determine the U.S. position on an ISO draft International Standard, draft technical report, committee drafts, ISO questionnaires, draft reports of meetings, etc.
  5. Provide adequate U.S. representation to ISO committee meetings, designate heads of delegation and members of delegations, and ensure compliance with the ANSI Guide for U.S. Delegates to IEC/ISO Meetings (including preparation and submission of a Head of Delegation report by the designated Head of Delegation).
  6. Determine U.S. positions on agenda items of ISO committee meetings and advise the U.S. delegation of any flexibility it may have on these positions
  7. Nominate U.S. technical experts to serve on ISO Working Groups.
  8. Provide assistance to U.S. secretariats of ISO committees, upon request, including resolving comments on draft international standards, draft technical reports, and committee drafts.
  9. Identify and establish close liaison with other U.S. TAGs in related fields or identify ISO or IEC activities that may overlap the U.S. TAG's scope.
  10. Recommend to ANSI the acceptance of secretariats for ISO committees.
  11. Recommend that ANSI invite the ISO committees to meet in the United States (see 1.4 of ANSI Procedures for U.S. Participation in the International Standards Activities of ISO).
  12. Recommend to ANSI U.S. candidates for the chair of ISO committees and U.S. conveners of ISO Working Groups.