Chair of the Board

The Chair of the Board serves a two-year term and cannot be reelected to the Office of Chair of the Board. The Chair of the Board presides at the Annual Business Meeting, at the Annual Meeting and at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Chair also serves as an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, which the Chair of the Board chairs. The Chair keeps the Board of Directors informed of all important matters affecting the Association and makes an annual report to the Board of Directors. The Chair is asked to commit up to 20 days of his or her time each year.


The Chair-Elect serves two years as Chair-Elect and two years as Chair of the Board. He or she may not serve more than one term of office. The Chair-Elect is responsible for such duties as are delegated (or assigned) by the Chair of the Board or the Board of Directors and assumes responsibility for the duties of the Chair of the Board in the event that individual is unable to serve. The Chair-Elect chairs the Investment and Strategic Planning Committees and is a member of the Nominating Committee. The Chair-Elect is asked to commit up to 15 days of his or her time each year.


Vice-Chairs serve three-year terms. Each Vice-Chair may be reelected for one additional three-year term. Each Vice-Chair is responsible for such duties as are individually assigned to them by the Chair of the Board of Directors. Each Vice-Chair is asked to commit 5 days of his or her time each year.


The Treasurer/ Secretary serves a three-year term of office. The Treasurer/ Secretary may be reelected for one additional three-year term of office. The Treasurer/ Secretary reports on the financial condition of the Association at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at other times as called upon by the Chair of the Board. The Treasurer/ Secretary is also charged with assuring that proper records of proceedings of meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors are kept, and making sure accurate records are kept of all members.

The Treasurer/ Secretary shall chair the Finance Committee and serve as a member of the Investment Committee. The Committee shall consult with the President on the annual budget of the Association and prepare recommendations for the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Finance Committee may perform such other duties in connection with the finances of the Association as the Board of Directors may determine. The Treasurer/ Secretary is asked to commit up to 10 days of his or her time each year.

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors serve three-year terms and may only be elected for two consecutive terms. The Board of Directors is charged with the governance of the Association. Board members may be asked to commit at least 5 days of their time each year.

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee members serve one three-year term, may not be reelected, and may not serve in any other elected office while serving on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee meets twice; once during the Annual Meeting and once during the fall. The Committee reviews and recommends policies and procedures relevant to the leadership selection process. The Committee nominates the Chair-Elect, the Vice-Chairs, members of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer/ Secretary, and members of the Nominating Committee. The Committee also recommends policy and program chairs to the Chair of the Board. Nominating Committee members may be asked to commit two to three days of their time each year.