We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans, June 20-23, 2025
Upcoming Courses
Healthcare Technology Management
HTM Week Webinar Health ISAC Current and Emerging Healthcare Cyber Threats
Quality Systems & Risk Management
AAMI Training Cost Rica
In 2025, AAMI Training is bringing world-class education to Costa Rica with three in-person courses tailored for professionals in the growing medical device industry.
Strategic Standards Management and Participation for Product Lifecycle Success
KILMER Conference Live Stream
Industrial Sterilization
Heat Sterilization for Medical Devices
This two (2) day course covers the industrial application of moist heat sterilization, a widely used and effective method for medical device sterilization. The course will also cover dry heat sterilization, which is less widely used but very effective.
Quality Systems & Risk Management
Strategic Design & Implementation of a Cost of Poor Quality Program
Hidden costs from poor quality can significantly impact your company's profitability. Our specialized training program is designed to uncover and address the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ), which encompasses all financial losses due to product defects and service failures, including scrap, rework, repair, and warranty claims. This course will help you understand how COPQ affects your profit margins and how to communicate these impacts effectively to management.
News from AAMI is a must-read resource
For those working in health technology, sterilization, and medical device manufacturing, design, and development.
As a central hub for standards, guidance, training, and resources spanning the entire life cycle of medical devices, AAMI can help you discover the unique and impactful connections between all facets of health technology.

Using Standards and TIRs to Drive Consistent Sterile Processing Procedures
Standards and technical information reports (TIRs) from AAMI are critical resources for anyone involved in the processing and sterilization of medical devices. Learn more in the new BI&T cover story (log in to view).
Our diverse community of more than 10,000 professionals is united by one important mission—the development, management, and use of safe and effective health technology.