Discover the Ins and Outs of HTM Leadership

Becoming a leader is a big step in any career path. Healthcare technology management (HTM) professionals who have recently assumed leadership roles can face a host of new challenges, such as managing people and finances, understanding regulatory compliance, and leading their teams toward success. Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone.

To help these new and aspiring leaders, AAMI eXchange 2023 will be hosting an educational session led by AAMI Fellow Josh Virnoche, MBA, CHTM, director of clinical engineering at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Debra Allen of the HTM Program Quality and Compliance for GE HealthCare. 

AAMI News recently caught up with the presenters to get insights into their approach for new HTM leaders and what they can expect to learn in this much-anticipated session.

The Changing Role of HTM Leadership
According to Virnoche, the role of an HTM leader has evolved significantly over the past decade. There is an abundance of data available, which can lead to analysis paralysis. Therefore, it is essential to know where to begin and to focus on the data that helps to achieve your goals. Everything else is just noise. 

Preparing to Move Up
Preparing to move up is challenging. Virnoche notes that nothing in his experience as a technician prepared him for leadership, and it took him a while to find his way. However, more resources are available now than ever, thanks to AAMI and the HTM community. Take the opportunity to build relationships and find a mentor during your time at AAMI eXchange!

What to Expect in a Leadership Role
Virnoche explains that leadership is not just about taking charge and telling people what to do; it is a finesse role. Leaders must balance their technical expertise, regulatory knowledge, people skills, as well as their mental health and sanity. When you land the role, expect the unexpected. 

Tips and Tricks for Success
To be successful, Virnoche suggests being authentic, caring about your people, leading with integrity, and keeping the patient in mind. Join Josh Virnoche and Debra Allen as they expand on best practices, lessons learned, and common expectations for those assuming leadership roles in HTM. This session covers leadership roles and responsibilities, tips, and tricks for ensuring team engagement, and the pitfalls that new leaders encounter when assuming the role.

Register today for AAMI eXchange 2023 and join the session "So, You Landed Your First Leadership Role, Now What?" on Saturday, June 17 at 8:00 AM PT.